Ro Derm

3D and motion graphics for skin care

Working with the design and copy team at Ro Derm, I created 3D assets and top-performing paid social ads for Ro’s line of skin care and eyelash products. I also designed and built WordPress pages, including a guide for how to take the best selfies for user generated content.

Client: Ro
3D modeling, motion graphics: John Kitses
Art Direction: Adi Schlank
Copy: Kayla Dalsfoist

Ro Derm Enriching Cream renders

3D model to integrate with existing products

Following brand guides and art direction, I modeled a jar of Ro Derm Enriching Cream in 3D using Blender, and rendered it alongside existing product images.

Latisse short form video

Top-performing asset

I made many short social ads for Ro Derm, and this was one of the best preforming ones by far. Its success as a “champion” ad inspired the creation of a new working group to focus on iterating the approach across other creative campaigns.

Creative insights are described next to the ad, which include: clear, good copy with strong value points and a promotional offer, and user generated content mixed alongside cleanly rendered 3D product shots.

Creative success analysis

TikTok style question bubble

The educational aim of the ad is introduced as a faux user question, “What is Latisse?”

Immediate product visibility

Within the first few seconds the product is seen and identified by name.

User generated content

Footage of actual Latisse users was edited to lend authenticity to the ad.

Product useage

The use of the product is demonstrated clearly.

Clear copy

Strong and direct copy gets straight to the point.

Motion graphic typography

Copy and data points are animated in to catch attention.

Endcard with 3D product render and offer

As at the beginning, the product is show in an attractive, clean 3D render. A promotional offer seals the deal.

More edits from the campaign

Ro Derm "How to Selfie" page

This page was designed in Figma and built in WordPress. Ro Derm has many patients who share their of their skin care progress with Ro, for both organic and paid social use. A clear, simple instruction page was needed to help patients shoot the best photos possible.

From a simple bullet-pointed brief, I worked to clarify the content with a copy writer and organize the content visually. no imagery was suggested in the brief, so I took an image from Ro Derm’s first lifestyle photoshoot, and comped it into a shot I took of a hand holding an iPhone.